Moro Hub joins forces with Trend Micro to secure cloud workloads for UAE enterprises

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Written by Moro Hub

Moro Hub (Data Hub Integrated Solutions LLC), a subsidiary of Digital DEWA, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), today signed a Managed Service Provider (MSP) agreement with Trend Micro, a global leader in cybersecurity solutions. This will enable Moro Hub to provide cloud workload protection services to its customers and accelerate their digital transformation journey.

The agreement was signed between Marwan Bin Haidar, Vice Chairman and Group CEO of Digital DEWA and Majd Sinan, Country Manager, Trend Micro UAE.

"Our cooperation with Trend Micro will enable Moro Hub to provide customers with the best locally hosted, unified security management services that accelerate compliance and secure workloads hosted in hybrid and multi-cloud environments. The alliance will be of particular importance as several organisations have been challenged by the increasingly complex and rapidly changing tactics of savvy cyber adversaries in the last few years due to the digital influx. The new service will empower Moro Hub customers with top-of-the-line security and offer them compliance tools to safeguard new and existing cloud resources. This will help us to offer innovative and competitive digital technologies in the region, which is in line with Dubai 10X and UAE Centennial 2071," said Marwan Bin Haidar.

Majd Sinan, Country Manager, Trend Micro UAE, said: "We see unprecedented migration to cloud environments, many of them multi-cloud. This partnership ensures organisations can secure workloads and guarantee compliance so that enterprises can grow their business without worrying about security issues. Together with Moro Hub, we shall protect the UAE's enterprises as they build more competitive business operations in the cloud."

Posted on Tuesday, June 15, 2021)

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